Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A ENTJ's Song Lyrics

I Feel Good
By: James Brown

I sho'nuff feel good

I feel good like I knew that I wouldn't
I feel good, baby like I knew that I wouldn't
So good

I, I feel nice, like sugar and spice

I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice

I, I feel good like I said that I wouldn't
Lord help us, good God get down
So good, I get down

When I hold you in my arms
I know I can do no wrong
When I hold you in my arms
I know I can do no wrong
When I hold, baby in my arms
I know I can do no wrong
My love won't do you no harm

Hit me, make me feel good
Hit me, baby, hit me love
Like I knew that I wouldn't, so good

I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice

So nice

Hit me, I feel good
Like I knew that I wouldn't
Hit me, so good

By: Goo Goo Dolls

Broadway's dark tonight
A little bit weaker than you used to be
Broadway's dark tonight
See the young man sittin' in the old man's bar
Waitin' for his turn to die

The cowboy kills the rock star
And Friday night's gone too far
The dim light hides the years
On all the faded girls

Forgotten but not goneYou drink it off your mind
You talk about the world like it's someplace that you've been
You see, you'd love to run home, but you know you ain't got one
Cuz you're livin' in a world that you're best forgotten, around here

Broadway's dark tonight
A little bit weaker than you used to be
Broadway's dark tonight
See the young man sittin' in the old man's bar
Waitin' for his turn to die

You choke down all your anger
Forget your only son
You pray to statues when you sober up for fun
Your anger don't impress me
The world slapped in your face
It always rains like h*** on the loser's day parade
You see, you'd love to run home, but you know you ain't got one
Cuz you're livin' in a world that you're best forgotten
When you're thinkin' you're a joke and nobody's gonna listen
To the one small point I know they've been missing around here

Broadway's dark tonight
A little bit weaker than you used to be
Broadway's dark tonight
See the young man sittin' in the old man's bar
Waitin' for his turn to die

You see, you'd love to run home, but you know you ain't got one
Cuz you're livin' in a world that you're best forgotten
When you're thinkin' you're a joke and nobody's gonna listen
To the one small point I know they've been missing around here
Round here, yeah

Broadway's dark tonight
A little bit weaker than you used to be
Broadway's dark tonight
See the young man sittin' in the old man's bar
Waitin' for his turn to die

You Get What You Give
By: New Radicals

One, two
One, two, three

Wake up kids
We've got the dreamers disease
Age 14 we got you down on your kneesSo polite, you're busy still saying please
Frienemies, who when you're down ain't your friend
Every night we smash their Mercedes-Benz
First we run and then we laugh till we cryBut when the night is falling
You cannot find the light, light
If you feel your dreams are dying
Hold tight

You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give upYou've got a reason to live
Can't forget
We only get what we give

I'm coming home, baby
You're tops
Give it to me now

Four a.m. we ran a miracle mile
We're flat broke but hey we do it in style
The bad rich
God's flying in for your trial

But when the night is falling
You cannot find a friend, friend
You feel your tree is breaking
Just then

You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget
We only get what we give

This whole damn world can fall apart
You'll be ok, follow your heart
You're in harms way I'm right behind
Now say you're mine

You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget
We only get what we give
Don't let go
I feel the music in you

Fly high, high
What's real can't die
You only get what you give

You gonna get what you give

Just don't be afraid to leave
Health insurance rip off lying
FDA big bankers buying
Fake computer crashes dining

Cloning while they're multiplying
Fashion shoots with Beck and Hanson
Courtney love and Marilyn Manson
You're all fakes

Run to your mansions
Come around
We'll kick your butt in

Don't let go
One dance left
Don't give up
Can't forget

Monday, October 10, 2011


Poems That Relate To Me

Before the World Intruded by Michele Rosenthal

Return me to those infant years,
before I woke from sleep,
when ideas were oceans crashing,
my dreams blank shores of sand.
Transport me fast to who I was
when breath was fresh as sight,
my new parts — unfragmented —
shielded faith from unkind light.
Draw for me a figure whole, so different
from who I am. Show me now
this picture: who I was
when I began.

  How to Play Night Baseball by Jonathan Holden
A pasture is best, freshly
mown so that by the time a grounder’s
plowed through all that chewed, spit-out
grass to reach you, the ball
will be bruised with green kisses.  Start
in the evening.  Come
with a bad sunburn and smelling of chlorine,
water still crackling in your ears.
Play until the ball is khaki—
a moveable piece of the twilight—
the girls’ bare arms in the bleachers are pale,
the heat lightning jumps in the west.  Play
until you can only see pop-ups
and routine grounders get lost
in the sweet grass for extra bases.


Quotes That Relate To Me

1.When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion. – Ethiopian proverb
2.You can’t win unless you know how to lose. – Kareem Abdul-Jamell
3.Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people. – Arab Proverb

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Using Temperaments To To Profile Literary Characters


NT (Intuition and Thinking), Rational - Technical, Competent, Ingenious, Skeptical, Innovative, Non-Conformist.  The personality types that share the Rational Temperament are ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, and INTP

NT Rational (ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, and INTP)

Logical, pragmatic, and driven, rationals strive for competence and excellence in reaching their goals. They are the “why” temperament; ever skeptical, they constantly questions others and their environment.  They typically want to know the reason why something is done, and the reason needs to make sense (whether it is politically correct or not). 
Some more information on the NT Rational:
  • Most uncommon of the Temperaments
  • May be absent-minded but often shows flashes of brilliance
  • Quick grasp of complex theories and systems
  • Enjoys thinking and intellectual pursuits
  • Often thinks about things that others don’t normally think about, such as the nature of the universe, religious issues, politics, philosophy, etc.  NT’s want to figure out how and why the world works.
  • Are technical with their language and strive to be logical and exact when speaking to others
  • Easily notice inconsistencies
  • Natural non-conformist
  • Great analyzers
  • Naturally good with technology (NT’s were key in the birth and growth of the tech era and Internet)
  • Skeptical
  • Are naturally pragmatic, always asking “Is this necessary,” “How can this be improved,” “How does this work and how can it work better?”
  • Can be very wise
  • Natural brainstormers and problem-solvers
  • Can be detached when involved with a project, undertaking, or thought
  • Set high goals for themselves and are determined to achieve them.
  • Strong suit in strategy
  • Strive for efficiency
  • Conceptualizers
  • Systematic
  • May have trouble adapting to conventions
  • NTs are very cerebral and take great pride in staying cool in crisis, not letting their emotions control them - even if it’s a matter of great importance or great intensity
  • Often labeled as being argumentive by other temperaments
  • Value independence
  • May bother those who are sensitive to arguments or criticism

NF (Intuition and Feeling), Idealist - Romantic, Empathetic, Authentic, Creative, Impassioned.  The personality types that share the Idealist Temperament are ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP, and INFP.


Romantic, empathetic, authentic, creative, and impassioned, Idealists strive to be true to themselves while inspiring and bringing out the best in others.

Some information on the NF Idealist:

  • Have a need to live up to their high ideals
  • Empathetic
  • Tend to glorify others and life in general
  • Well-trusted and cultivated intuition
  • Often interested in the spiritual, having a strong affinity for the mystical and what cannot be seen by the eye
  • As kids, often show their elaborate imaginations
  • Good with the use of words - if not when speaking, in writing
  • Strongly believes in certain causes
  • Romantic
  • Wants deep, meaningful relationships
  • May trust others more than they should, sometimes to the point of naivety
  • Often enjoys reading (from fantasy to poetry, to creative short stories, to religious texts)
  • Appreciates the arts and imagination
  • Appreciates the uniqueness of themselves and others
  • Natural conflict mediators with their strong insight and diplomatic nature

SJ (Sensing and Judging), Guardian - Dependable, Traditional, Loyal.  The personality types that share the Guardian Temperament are ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, and ISFJ


Guardians are dependable, traditional, attentive, and loyal, striving for stability and structure, providing reliability to others.
More on the SJ Guardian:
  • Cautious
  • As kids typically followed the rules and strove to be “good” children and students
  • Sound, consistent
  • Doesn’t like to see things get wasted (whether it be food or free time, conserving and usefulness is on their mind). 
  • Are often conservative in decision-making - whether financially, or even in what to do with their weekend.
  • Decisive
  • Strong sense of duty
  • Feel obligated to perform the proper role and do so effectively (often giving up their free time to do so)
  • Often family-oriented
  • Relies and sticks by their principles
  • Often become good authority figures
  • Good with logistics and details
  • While they may not willingly admit it, actually enjoys and needs to work - or at least being productive
  • Revels in looking back on the past
  • Strives to be respected (and typically are)
  • Least likely of the temperaments to tolerate a messy living or work space
SP (Sensing and Perceiving), Artisan - Adventurous, Action-Oriented, Spontaneous.  The personality types that share the Artisan Temperament are ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, and ISFP.


Artisans are action-oriented and live in the moment.  They enjoy being spontaneous and strive for a range of experience and excitement.
More on the SP Artisan:
  • Likes to engage the five senses
  • Good at making things and working with their hands
  • Generous
  • Trust their impulses and instinct
  • Active
  • Opportunistic - in fact SP’s keep a keen and sharp lookout for anything that will give them an advantage.
  • Can be cunning
  • Good at negotiating and cutting deals
  • Risk-taking
  • As kids were always active and getting into things
  • Lively
  • Have a healthy aura about them
  • Seek action
  • Flexible
  • Easygoing, chill attitude about most people and things
  • Looks to develop skills
  • Learns by “doing”
  • Resourceful
  • Quick thinking (naturally responsive)
  • Keen senses
  • Typically good at multitasking
  • Values freedom

Using Personality Traits To Profile Literary Characters

Extravert Characteristics

  • Doesn’t mind being in large groups and often enjoys it
  • Likes to know and associate with lots of people
  • Prefers social interaction to time alone
  • When confronted with a problem, typically likes to talk it out with others and get their point of view
  • Known to speak before thinking
  • Doesn’t typically have trouble thinking of something to say, and is typically at ease in doing so
  • Doesn’t typically have problems meeting new people wherever they go
  • May need to practice their listening skills
  • Easily adapts to social situations
  • Typically appreciates situations for what they are worth as they are happening

Introvert Characteristics

  • Prefers one-on-one to large-group interaction
  • Prefers to have a few close relationships
  • Needs time alone to restore energy
  • Typically good listeners
  • More likely to think before speaking than extraverts are
  • May be lost for words at times, not knowing what to say
  • Enjoys reflecting
  • May need to get time to self to take things in before fully appreciating them
  • Dislikes crowds
  • Reserved
Introverts can be too self-absorbed while extraverts may lack introspection.
I’s think about how the outward situation pertains to them and who they are, while E’s think about how they pertain to the outward situation.

Introverted doesn’t mean antisocial or socially awkward.  Some of the best speakers and “people persons” of all time have been introverts.  What makes them I’s is their need to be by themselves to recharge their batteries.  Given this opportunity, and especially when put in a situation that means something to them, some I’s can be very publicly engaging.

I’s shouldn’t try to be like E’s and E’s shouldn’t try to be like I’s.  I’s shouldn’t try to be overly talkative and try to be around people all the time.  It is better for them to utilize their good listening skills in order to say something sufficient and relevant each time they do talk. 

Fact: Extraverts make up a higher percentage of the population than Introverts do.

Sensing and Intuition

How We Gather Information

This category tells us how we take in information and what we choose to attend to when perceiving the world.
S stands for sensing.  Those favoring S prefer to take in information in a direct, factual manner.  N stands for intuition.  Those favoring intuition take in information looking at the big picture, checking for underlying meaning and connections with the mind’s eye.  S’s naturally think about what already exists while N’s think about what could be.  N’s prefer generalizing, concepts, theories, and ideas, while S’s prefer facts and tangibles.  S’s have a firm grasp of reality, know how things are, and are realistic.  N’s take pride in their ability to imagine and think of ideas.

Sensor Characteristics

  • Good with the concrete (what can be seen)
  • Likes to think about what exists
  • Realistic
  • Typically has plenty of common sense
  • Pays attention to and remembers details
  • Takes in information in a step-by-step manner
  • Prefers direct experience
  • Pays attention to their surroundings

Intuitor Characteristics

  • Good with the abstract
  • Likes to think of what’s possible
  • Has an active imagination
  • Thinks outside the box
  • Enjoys seeing things in different ways
  • Likes to daydream
  • May be difficult to understand
  • Gathers information through intuitive jumps and inferences
  • May have unexplainable hunches or a sixth sense
  • Complex
  • Gets motivated by their inspirations
Fact: Intuition is the least common of the eight possible preferences, only characterizing about 25% of the population.
Sensor: “I like to focus on the present and what exists in front of me.”
Intuitor: “I like to think about the future and what it could or may hold.”
When intuitiors take in information, they compare and apply that information to some type of larger, big picture context - thinking of underlying meanings, envisioning possibilities, and intuiting what these can tell us about the future.  Because of this, N’s often have strong vision, insight, and intuition. 
S’s prefer to think concretely.  While taking in information they look at the facts, empirical evidence, and past experiences.  They take the information literally and catch most of the nuances and details that N’s often miss.  Therefore S’s are often realistic, in touch with reality, and practical.

Thinking and Feeling

How We Make Decisions

This category tells us how we make decisions and judgments.
T stands for thinking.  Those favoring thinking prefer to make decisions objectively with their head, through logic.  F stands for feeling.  Those favoring feeling prefer to make decisions subjectively, with their heart, based on their values and emotion.  T’s value justice and fairness, while F’s value harmony and empathy.

Thinker Characteristics

  • Wants truth and justice
  • Hard-nosed, firm
  • Decides with head
  • Naturally skeptical
  • Critical
  • Blunt
  • Looks at principles
  • Objective

Feeler Characteristics

  • Naturally sympathetic
  • Strives for harmony
  • Empathetic and forgiving
  • Decides with heart
  • Naturally trusts others
  • Supportive
  • Tactful
  • Concerned with the feelings of others
Thinker: “There is a principle and outcome to everything.”
Feeler: “There is a human element to everything.”

Judging and Perceiving

How We Prefer To Live Our Life

The final category tells us how we choose to live our life and go about our daily activities - the kind of lifestyle we choose for ourselves.
            J stands for judging.  Those favoring judging prefer to plan things out and live in a structured manner.  P stands for perceiving.  Those favoring perceiving prefer to leave their options open and live in a flexible manner.  Judgers are organized schedulers who like to come to conclusions.  Perceivers are spontaneous improvisers who delay decision-making.

Judger Characteristics

  • Likes to plan
  • Organized
  • Likes to come to conclusions
  • Prepared
  • Enjoys finishing things
  • Relies on schedules, to-do lists, and deadlines
  • Typically more serious-minded than perceivers
  • Sees and sets boundaries
  • Values a job well done
  • Likes to know what to expect ahead of time
  • Decisive

Perceiver Characteristics

  • Likes options
  • Places emphasis on having fun
  • Spontaneous
  • Delays decision-making
  • Flexible
  • Good with improvisation
  • Adapts, goes with the flow
  • Enjoys starting things
  • Can work on many things at once
  • Enjoys surprises
  • Doesn’t like to commit because they never know what may come up
The perceiver’s idea of freedom is not being bound by limited possibilities and opportunities. The judger’s idea of freedom is being free from having the pressure to improvise due to chance.

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Personality Profile

ENTJ: The Executive

“Challenge Everything”
ENTJ’s are logical, strategic, critical and determined.
ENTJ’s are natural leaders who often have an inner drive to succeed.  They typically have the attributes, drive, and determination to do so.  In fact, more so than any other type, ENTJ’s are more likely to be the leaders of the world.           
"I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big."
The ENTJ has a lot of energy, and when a goal is in mind, they will fully use this energy to reach the goal.  The ENTJ has the unique ability of having the vision to see the future and the corresponding consequences of decisions that could affect the future.  Contingencies, variables, linear and non-linear aspects, and psychological factors are considered as well, all while objectivity and logic are held at the helm to guide the way.         
Bill Gates’ confidence, drive, and ability to work uncompromisingly hard towards his goals.
Ever competitive and striving for truth, efficiency, pragmatism and success, ENTJ’s will often fearlessly challenge authority and those in higher positions.  When many ENTJ’s disagree with someone - no matter what that person’s status or level of power or authority is - he/she will argue, criticize and question to their fullest ability.  When an ENTJ loses himself in this drive, they come across as pushy, impatient, inconsiderate and ruthless.  But the truth is that, although not typically obvious, the ENTJ is actually open to observations and new ideas from others.  In fact, they love a good argument, and respect those who have the gall to impress them with their ideas.  Often they appear as being pushy when they are simply just caught up in their love of the argument.
The majority of radio talk show hosts are ENTJ.  ENTJ’s excel in such an atmosphere, where they can analyze issues and come to interesting perspectives and conclusions, while strongly stating their views. An ENTJ is likely to revel and shine when there are strongly felt convictions involved in intellectual, objective discourse.  They are likely to lead the way or at least make impact during the process. The ENTJ will be blunt, and political correctness is not their favorite game. In fact, going against the politically correct is often something enjoyable for them.  They don’t mind doing it and they like to see the reaction and outcome.
"With uniquely accurate vision and an open mind, able to accurately pound away at the issue at hand while being characteristically persuasive at the same time,"
The ENTJ feels strongly that reason and logic is upheld and that ridiculous whims of emotion are not involved with decisions that affect us.  The ENTJ has the drive to take a stand and see to it that the right decisions are made, which will not involve societal rules, laws, or bureaucracies . . . unless necessary.
"Leaders keep their eyes on the horizon, not just on the bottom line."
Very short on patience, ENTJ’s don’t take ignorance and incapability lightly, and sometimes second chances just aren't in their frame of mind. ENTJ’s are always seeking competence in others.  What many don't realize is that ENTJ's are just as hard with themselves as they are on others.  ENTJ’s have rigidly high expectations of themselves.
“Are you taking over or taking orders?”
In film, the ENTJ is seen in the tenacity and guts of Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton’s character from American History X), Detective Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington’s character from Training Day), and Louanne Johnson (Michelle Pfeiffer’s character from Dangerous Minds).  ENTJ’s are also natural leaders such as Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Bennie from The Sandlot.  ENTJ’s are also represented by smarties Alex P. Keaton (Micheal J. Fox’s character from Family Ties) and Hermoine Granger from the Harry Potter series.
ENTJ’s are of the Rational Temperament.  Rationals are Technical, Competent, Ingenious, Skeptical, Innovative, and Non-Conformist.  The personality types that share the Rational Temperament are ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, and INTP.
ESTJ’s and ENTJ’s have the dominant function of Extraverted Thinking.  Extraverted Thinking is ordered, using deductive logic based on objective criteria and hierarchies.

More on the ENTJ

  • Prone to being workaholics
  • ENTJ’s stand up to a challenge
  • Enjoy intellect and working their minds
  • You have to earn the respect of an ENTJ (and they will test you!)
  • Has trouble believing in things that haven’t been thoroughly proven or tested
  • Appreciates an open forum of ideas
  • Enjoys theories, possibilities and the testing of facts (often in a very scientific manner)
  • Likes to test others, and wants others to test them (will typically respect you more if you do)
  • Guided by logic
  • Has strong convictions
  • Competitive
  • Questions authority
  • Needs reasons and logical explanations behind the demands of others (or will oppose them)
  • V


    • Very determined and strong-willed by nature
    • Will naturally take lead
    • Clear, cutting vision
    • Good with strategy
    • Can be very engaging and persuasive
    • Very pragmatic
    • Very logical
    • Typically ambitious and motivated
    • Strives for competence in self and others
    • Good decision makers
    • Has an abundance of energy
    • Has a good understanding of how rules and structures work and the technicalities involved with them
    • Strives for clarity of thought and articulation
    • Great at fighting the status quo and unfairness
    • Are very decisive
    • Directing and delegating
    • Great planners
    ery critical of others
  • Weaknesses

    • Whether they truly know the answer or not, ENTJ’s are likely to have an answer to everything.  They typically try to avoid the phrase “I don’t know.”
    • May make lofty, unrealistic goals for self that are extremely improbable to obtain
    • May overestimate themsevles
    • Has a tendency to make others feel dumb (typically not intentionally)
    • Others may be perceived as pompous or “trying to act smart”
    • Uneasy until a job is finished and finished well
    • May not give others the credit they deserve
    • May jump to generalizations too quickly
    • May rule out great ideas that have been given to them by others just because they haven’t been articulated well enough to them
    • Famous ENTJ's

      • Jack Welch
      • Margaret Thatcher
      • Tammy Bruce
      • Bill Gates
      • Dr. Phil
      • Quentin Tarantino
      • Rush Limbaugh
      • Jay Leno
      • Famous lawyer Mark Geragos
      • Newt Gingrich
      • Neil Cavuto
      • Dr. Drew
      • Johnnie Cochran
      • Andy Rooney
      • Al Sharpton
      • Keith Olbermann
      • Fictional ENTJ ’s

        • Darth Vader
        • Hermone from the Harry Potter series
        • Voldemorte from the Harry Potter series
        • Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
        • Alex P. Keeton from Family Ties
        • Bennie from The Sandlot
        • Toms Hanks’ character from You’ve Got Mail
        • Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton’s character from American History X)
        • Detective Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington’s character from Training Day)
        • Louanne Johnson (Michelle Pfeiffer’s character from Dangerous Minds)
        • NT Rational (ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, and INTP)

          Logical, pragmatic, and driven, rationals strive for competence and excellence in reaching their goals. They are the “why” temperament; ever skeptical, they constantly questions others and their environment.  They typically want to know the reason why something is done, and the reason needs to make sense (whether it is politically correct or not). 
          Some more information on the NT Rational:
          • Most uncommon of the Temperaments
          • May be absent-minded but often shows flashes of brilliance
          • Quick grasp of complex theories and systems
          • Enjoys thinking and intellectual pursuits
          • Often thinks about things that others don’t normally think about, such as the nature of the universe, religious issues, politics, philosophy, etc.  NT’s want to figure out how and why the world works.
          • Are technical with their language and strive to be logical and exact when speaking to others
          • Easily notice inconsistencies
          • Natural non-conformist
          • Great analyzers
          • Naturally good with technology (NT’s were key in the birth and growth of the tech era and Internet)
          • Skeptical
          • Are naturally pragmatic, always asking “Is this necessary,” “How can this be improved,” “How does this work and how can it work better?”
          • Can be very wise
          • Natural brainstormers and problem-solvers
          • Can be detached when involved with a project, undertaking, or thought
          • Set high goals for themselves and are determined to achieve them.
          • Strong suit in strategy
          • Strive for efficiency
          • Conceptualizers
          • Systematic
          • May have trouble adapting to conventions
          • NTs are very cerebral and take great pride in staying cool in crisis, not letting their emotions control them - even if it’s a matter of great importance or great intensity
          • Often labeled as being argumentive by other temperaments
          • Value independence
          • May bother those who are sensitive to arguments or criticism
        • accountant
        • accountant/auditor
        • activist
        • actor
        • administrative assistant
        • administrator
        • admissions officer/registrar
        • adoptions coordinator
        • advertising
        • analyst
        • anthropologist
        • architect
        • artist
        • athletic director
        • attorney
        • auctioneer
        • auditor
        • bank teller
        • banker
        • bartender
        • beautician
        • bookkeeper
        • building inspector
        • business consultant
        • business executive
        • business executive, administrator, manager
        • caretaker
        • carpenter
        • carpenter
        • carpenter/construction
        • chef
        • child care
        • early childhood development
        • choreographer
        • clergy or other religious work
        • clergy/religious workers
        • coach
        • coach/trainer
        • comedian
        • computer animation
        • computer animation, computer specialist, software designer
        • computer programmer, systems analyst
        • computer specialist, systems designer
        • construction/building worker
        • coordinator
        • corporate trainer/training coordinator
        • counselor
        • counselor/social worker
        • craft worker
        • creditor
        • credit counselor
        • dean of students
        • dental assistant
        • dentist
        • detective
        • dietitian/nutritionist
        • diplomat
        • doctor
        • driver
        • economist
        • editor
        • engineer
        • entertainer
        • entrepreneur
        • farmer
        • fashion designer
        • FDA/health inspector
        • firefighter
        • flight attendant
        • floral designer
        • forensic criminologist
        • forensic pathologists
        • fundraiser
        • gardner
        • general contractor
        • government administrator
        • government agent
        • hair stylist
        • health related occupations
        • health/exercise trainer
        • health/well-being
        • heath
        • heavy equipment operator
        • home economics
        • human resources
        • inspector
        • insurance appraiser
        • interior decorator
        • inventor
        • journalist/writer/poet/novelist
        • judge
        • land developer
        • law enforcement
        • lawyer
        • learning specialist
        • librarian
        • lobbyist
        • maitre d’hotel
        • manager
        • marketing
        • mathematician
        • mechanic
        • mediator
        • medical doctor
        • mental health professional
        • military leader
        • military officer
        • musician
        • negotiator
        • network integration
        • new business developer
        • nurse
        • oceanographer
        • office manager
        • organization director
        • organization/business trainer
        • orthodontist
        • paralegal
        • paramedic/emergency medical technician
        • pc technician or network cabler
        • pediatrician
        • pharmacist
        • philosopher
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        • service
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        • strategist
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        • tour guide
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        • truck driver
        • tutor
        • urban planner
        • waiter/waitress
        • warden
        • writer/journalist/novelist
        • youth services director

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cultural Icon Research

“I’m embarrassed about it for my wife Katie, for my kids and for the organization,” Hamilton said. “I’m not perfect. It’s an ongoing struggle, and it’s real. It’s amazing how these things can creep back in. But I am human and I have struggles.”
“If I think I can have one drink, I think I can have two, and then it snowballs to 10 or 12,” Hamilton said. “As soon as it happened, I called my support staff — Katie, the organization and MLB — and told them what happened. I was open and honest about it. People with an addiction can make a mistake.

Joshua Holt Hamilton was born in Raleigh, North Carolina on May 21, 1981. As far back as Josh remembers, he has wanted to be a pro baseball player. In high school Josh was being compared to some of the big league sluggers. Heading into the June draft, Josh was guaranteed a top five pick.  

Josh Hamilton takes practice cuts on a tee during extended spring with the Tampa Bay Devils Rays, who are giving him another shot after years of drug problems. "I love this game. It's the only thing I've been good at," says Hamilton.

Josh was the number one draft pick in 1999. He was chosen by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. He signed for a record $3.96 million bonus. He predicted 3 years in the minors, 15 in the majors, and a 5 year wait for the Hall of Fame. He was doing an amazing job during the season. Then an injury affected him. He was put on the disabled list. He was at a tattoo shop with a group of guys. He said they weren’t bad guys; they were just guy into some bad things. For the first time in his life he began experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Mike Chadwick was a business man who talked about drugs. Mike’s daughter Katie has known Josh from high school days. In the winter of 2004 Josh and Katie got married. They had a daughter by the name of Julia. Josh’s parents gave him the last $200,000 from his bonus, so they could buy a small house. Josh had blown the money on drugs. Josh gave up drugs on October 6.

Josh Hamilton is at peace now, at peace even when he sleeps. "I used to have dreams all the time," he says. "They were so real, I'd wake up and take a real deep breath in, like I was hitting the crack pipe."

Josh made the Reds in 2007. At the end of the season Josh had a wrist injury, and many worried that without baseball he would relapse. After that season Josh went to the Texas Rangers, because they needed a center fielder. In 2008 Josh was in Home Run Derby. He set a record in the second round. He hit 35 homers, but he still lost. Josh’s life has progressed from then.